I refuse to let my grown-up-ness stop me from my first love. Okay, I admit it, the moves aren't quite there anymore. Maybe I feel like an old person when I try to move it and shake it and throw my hands in the air and wave 'em like I just don't care. Darn age. But hey - this old girl still has her groove on, at least on the inside :)
So.... We have Family Dance Parties in the living room. We started when our kids were really young. (So they didn't know any better!) We crank up the dance music and dance our butts off. For hours. I'm not kidding. Now the kids don't know any better and think it is fun. In fact, if we have gone too long without a dance party, they request one!
SO much fun dancing with them!
Costumes are optional :)
I'd highly encourage it! Let yourself go. Really. Let. Yourself. Go! Stop being so grown up. Crank up your old cassette player (or if you must stay modern, your ipod!), get out that 80s music and go to town. Call it a party and your kids will be thrilled. They won't care that no one else is invited, it's like your own private family party. And family conga lines - too much fun for words.
Just Dance makes Family Dance Night so much easier. That way you are not responsible for your own dance moves! If you do not have this game for the wii or XBox, it is a great investment. You will not believe how much fun your family will have cracking up at each other's moves.
A family that dances together stays together :)
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